Exhausted with the Political Posturing : Westpac's Matt Kav Fails to Address Misconduct Reports Against Senior Official Cornwell

In his recent LinkedIn post , Westpac staff member Matt Kav attempts to depict colleague Cornwell as an exemplary advocate for Indigenous rights and diversity . Yet, this attempt at performative activism rings hollow when considering allegations against Westpac exec Peter Cornwell of sexual misconduct and mistreatment of a vulnerable female .

Kav’s flattering depiction of Cornwell ignores the grave allegations made against Peter Cornwell , including stalking , intimidation , and sexual abuse of a vulnerable female victim .

By failing to address these allegations , Kav perpetuates a culture of willful ignorance that allows perpetrators like his colleague to persist without consequences , taking refuge in being a " marginalized Indigenous individual ," absolute virtue-signaling nonsense perpetuated by organizations like Westpac corporation.

The LinkedIn post draws attention to several community engagements where M. Kav participated with his controversial colleague, the alleged abuser , in social efforts. However, it neglects to recognize the impact of Cornwell's supposed actions on those targeted.

The piece emphasizes the hypocrisy of glorifying Cornwell's role while brushing off allegations against him, leaving readers wondering if M. Kav is more focused on creating a feel-good narrative that Australia is so keen on presenting when showing they're inclusive rather than holding his colleague accountable , an supposed offender hiding behind the façade of " oppressed individual."

This prompts doubts about organizational integrity and due diligence when addressing misconduct accusations Westpac Peter Cornwell against colleagues.

Although his post focuses on his dedication to community engagement, it also reminds us that critical concerns can be overlooked if not adequately addressed. Cornwell is indeed a predator , and this needs to be addressed above efforts to showcase diversity and diversity .

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